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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I believe in Saint-Nicolas

Okay, i'm doing even more follow-up stories on the WGA and their credit system but really, some of these stories are just fabulous. Please hop on to

The Koepp and I part 1
The Koepp and I part 2

This is the blog of screenwriter Josh Friedman, who at first didn't get any credit for writing War of the Worlds. Yes, I know, that movie that you thought David Koepp wrote. Yes, also that movie that was arguably one of the worst movies this year but readers beware, these blog entries are golden. And actually, Josh (and Koepp) seem nice. So we'll forgive them this faux-de-pas and blame it all on steven and tom.

Luckily for Josh though, he won the WGA arbitration process and he now shares a credit with Koepp (proof over at imdb). Which not everyone took the good way and which is why you should read those blog entries:
Agent's assistant calls the studio: Josh and Wife are coming to New York for the premiere.
Studio: That's well and fine for Josh and Wife. But don't think we're paying for his airfare or his hotel.
Agent's assistant: It's in his contract that you have to pay for his airfare and hotel.
Studio: No it isn't. Prove it to us.
Agent's assistant: I'm faxing over the relevant page right now.
(sound of fax machine...)
Studio: Would they like a smoking or non-smoking room?

But really though: Friedman, Mazin, Rogers and August: who would have thought you could just go on a tool called the internet and read all these big insider stories? It's really great, thankyougod for screenwriters! (anyone know any hotshot director blog btw? (no not you daily!)

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