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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Stop Studying indeed.

RS: Like the black-and-white shots in Fallen Angels. They were the result of a problem…

Doyle: We fucked up with the film stock. It was old. We couldn’t re-shoot…so of course it was foggy in color. We said: “maybe this can represent something so let’s pick some other pieces,” and that’s what we did. Because of a mistake, a certain structure came out of the film and you can write a PhD about it if you want. What happened was that we gave it a system, so we made the most important parts of each scene in black-and-white. But that was a solution to the problem, not an original concept. We just appropriated the mistake and made it work. It’s a more intuitive, open, or, maybe, Asian way of working.

(c) An Interview with Christopher Doyle by Vicente Rodriguez-Ortega

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