The Horror

Writing is all a matter of mathematics or at least that's what researchers of King's College are trying to make us believe. They have worked out the mathematical formula behind the perfect horror film:
(es + u + cs + t) squared + s + (tl + f) / 2 + (a + dr + fs) / n + sin x - 1
es = escalating music
u = the unknown
cs = chase scenes
t = the sense of being trapped
s = shock
tl = true life
f = fantasy
a = small number of characters
dr = with the lights off
fs = in an isolated setting
n = the number of people
Sin x = blood and guts
1 = the stereotypes
The PERFECT horror film according to the research is Stanley Kubrick's The Shining! At least that's one observation I couldn't agree with more.
Full article located at the IC Wales website